Friday, November 7, 2008

Some people say the Holocaust didn't exsist.

Of course it happened! But, just to prove it, here are some facts to help back it up.

What is this about a "Holocaust Myth?" The facts about the Holocaust are well documented, by photos, stories of survivors and confessions of war criminals, by soldiers who rescued victims, as well as by physical evidence of gas chambers. About six million Jews were killed in the Holocaust by the German national socialists and their stooges in various countries.

Nonetheless, a great industry has grown around generating and enlarging the myth about the Holocaust Myth.

"Holocaust Myth" is a vile propaganda slogan that assembles under its banners all those who falsely claim that the Holocaust the massacre of Jews in World War II, did not occur or that actually many less Jews were killed than is "claimed" by "Zionists." Holocaust Myth is also called Holocaust Hoax. Both are Holocaust denial.

1 comment:

Jen said...


This is an insightful, well-written blog. I am enjoying each and every entry. Thank you!

Mrs. Martin