Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Daniel's Story Blog

On this blog, I will answer many questions you may have about the exciting, Holocaust related book, Daniel's Story.  Here is a little bit of starting information about the main characters of the book.

Main Characters:
Daniel: Daniel, a teenage Jewish boy, has a love of photography, adopted from his Uncle Peter early in the book. Throughout the story, he looks at the pictures that he has taken, and reflects the good and the bad times he has gone through.

Erika: Daniel's sister starts out as an almost insignificant character in the book, but as time goes on, she becomes more and more defined about her beliefs, standing up for them and surprising people with her sudden outbursts. Erika has a strong love of music, and plays the violin fantastically well.

Mother: Mother is a strong character, saying what she means but also being a sweet and sensitive mom. She goes through many hardships, sicknesses, and endures many deaths in the family, trying to deal with the Nazis and save her family from tearing apart.

Father: A working man that owns a great hardware store, and makes the income for the family, Father is torn when the Germans tear it apart, with the Gestapo in front. He breaks the rules many times for the sake of the family, keeping the radio, violin, and camera when the Nazis told them to give it up.

Rosa: Rosa does not come into play until a few chapters into the book, but is still just as important of a character. She and Daniel meet, and it is most definitely love at first sight. She and Erika and Daniel try to stick together and come over the hardships of the Ghettos.

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