Thursday, November 20, 2008

Ridiculous enough for a comedy

Chaplin, a great silent film director, actor, and musician, portrayed himself as Adolf Hitler in his first speaking film, "The Great Dictator". It may not be directly related, but it reminded me that if it made so many people laugh at the absurd angriness in this film, isn't it quite ridiculous that it isn't just a fantasy? It really happened, and it really made me reflect. I would also really recommend "The Great Dictator" to anyone that knows about the Holocaust.

Great Video!

As hard as I tried, I was unsuccessful in uploading this great video. So until I find the magical solution, I will post the link and it will take you to youtube. Please comment if you know how to upload it right onto the blog.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Death Statistics

After only two months of Buchenwald being opened in 1945, many people had already died due to a typhus epidemic. Typhus is spread by lice, which is why Daniel got it in Daniel's Story. The Nazis refused to use DDT, the insecticide used to subside the amount of lice. Instead, they used Zyklon-B, a poison gas, which was coincidentally also used in the gas chambers in Poland.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Some people say the Holocaust didn't exsist.

Of course it happened! But, just to prove it, here are some facts to help back it up.

What is this about a "Holocaust Myth?" The facts about the Holocaust are well documented, by photos, stories of survivors and confessions of war criminals, by soldiers who rescued victims, as well as by physical evidence of gas chambers. About six million Jews were killed in the Holocaust by the German national socialists and their stooges in various countries.

Nonetheless, a great industry has grown around generating and enlarging the myth about the Holocaust Myth.

"Holocaust Myth" is a vile propaganda slogan that assembles under its banners all those who falsely claim that the Holocaust the massacre of Jews in World War II, did not occur or that actually many less Jews were killed than is "claimed" by "Zionists." Holocaust Myth is also called Holocaust Hoax. Both are Holocaust denial.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Deportation Car

This is similar to the train cars used to deport Jews during World War II. It also resembles the train car in the movie Paper Clips.

Bunk cells

The Jews in Buchenwald had about 10 people to a bunk, were starving down to skin and bones, and had to give up most of their clothing.

Auschwitz gas chamber

The Auschwitz gas chamber: Many people were killed by gas chambers; the Auchwitz gas chamber was the one that Carol Matas wrote about.

What if____?

These are some of the changes that would've occurred during the story if  even one detail was changed. Shown in two perspectives.

 Q.  What if Daniel had never met Rosa?
 A. If Daniel had never met Rosa, he would not have survived as long as he did. Rosa and Erika convinced Daniel that there was a reason to keep on living, even when they were surrounded by death at every waking moment. At a different perspective, if Daniel had never met Rosa, he never would've been sent away to the death camp in Auschwitz, because he never would've tried to go into hiding.

Q. What if Uncle Peter was never killed?
A. If Uncle Peter had never died, Daniel never would've taken up photography as strongly. As a result, the story would be altered tremendously. On the other hand, if Uncle Peter had never been sent away, Daniel and his family might've been able to escape to America with more ease.

Was this story believable?

I think that Carol Matas made this story very believable. With all of the information that I've gathered about the Holocaust, this really helped me see it through the eyes of a very believable character. Wrapped up in excitement, this book was definitely worth reading.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008